How Thony Stopped a War
(and Saved a Friendship)

Book Four of the Prankster Prince

Epic Fantasy with a helping of Sugar and a spoonful of Spice
(politics, economics... and snark - but still nice!)

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Back Blurb for book: How Thony Stopped a War (and Saved a Friendship Book Four of the Prankster Prince


Amanita hid quickly to avoid being seen by someone running by – then peeked out as a sergeant and captain in Raven-soldier colors came out of a door down the hall.

“You realize you’ve roused the entire garrison, Captain Fayorn,” the sergeant growled. “I can’t imagine His Sorcerousness is going to be particularly forgiving that you disturbed their rest because of a mouse.”

“A rat,” Captain Fayorn corrected with a shudder as they stopped in front of another door. “Or so I thought at first. It wasn’t real. Someone was trying to rattle me.”

The sergeant grunted. “I don’t suppose you were able to apprehend the culprit?”

Fayorn flushed. “I most certainly did.”

The sergeant entered the room and emerged moments later with a ‘rat’ in each of his massive paws. Thony and Dae, held in place by the scruffs of their collars. Thony looked chagrined; Dae, indignant.

“Children?” Sergeant Sterevor said in amusement. “Go back to bed, sir. I’ll take care of this little rodent problem.”

Captain Fayorn glared back at him, then stalked past and went back in his room, slamming the door behind him.

The sergeant chuckled, letting go of his captives, but turning them so they both had to face him.

“So, you’re the scoundrels who disturbed Captain Fayorn’s beauty sleep.”

“Yup!” Dae said proudly. Thony groaned.

“Hunh.” Sergeant Sterevor shooed the pair of them back down the corridor.

They passed within inches of the darkened doorway where Amanita stood frozen.

Check out the rest of the books in the Series!

Coming in October 2024 - Book FIVE in the Prankster Prince series!
Diary of a RUNAWAY PRINCE Bold Questing Hero
With Raven'sWing's attempt to dominate the universe wrapped up, Thony can return to his own Quest...
by way of Amanita's weirdly matriarchal homeland...

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