Thony Goes Astray!
(in the Deep, Dark, and Dangerous Fairy Wood)

Book Two of the Prankster Prince

Epic Fantasy with a helping of Sugar and a spoonful of Spice
(politics, economics... and snark - but still nice!)

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Cover for book: Thony Goes Astray! (in the Deep, Dark, and Dangerous Fairy Wood), Book Two of the Prankster Prince

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Back Blurb for book: Thony Goes Astray! (in the Deep, Dark, and Dangerous Fairy Wood), Book Two of the Prankster Prince

AW, c'mon... we just made it into the Fairy Wood!

“Silverfoot’s trembling. Something’s wrong.” He looked at Amanita.
“Could it be wolves?”

The trees around them – which were already larger than any that the young prince had ever seen before – seemed to loom in and cut off the light filtering down through their leaves even more than they had been. That… had to be all his imagination, though… right? Even if his dapple-grey gelding, Silverfoot, was shaking from nose to tail.

Amanita looked around with an expression that was now shading over into concern. Her short, bushy hair flopped a little as she turned sharply from side to side, peering into the green shadows of the forest. Twinklestar, the unicorn she was riding, looked around with what might be equine trepidation as well.

“Can’t Twinklestar tell you the problem?” Thony asked urgently, leaning forwards to try to give Silverfoot a better caress.

The girl shook her head, looking rather red around the ears. “We’re not bonded, so I can’t understand him in words.”

If the unicorn was upset, Silverfoot was terrified. Thony was beginning to worry that the gelding’s reaction would switch from half-paralyzed with fear to–

Oh, damn.

It was unfortunate that horses were trained to interpret a rider hunching into their backs as a signal to go faster. Because the only way to stay aboard a terrified horse that was plunging through a forest – instead of getting knocked off by low hanging branches – was to get as close as possible to the horse’s back.

Thony had just barely the concentration left to hear Amanita’s frustrated shout about this not being the right path. Silverfoot wasn’t following anything resembling a path.

Check out the rest of the books in the Series!

Coming in October 2024 - Book FIVE in the Prankster Prince series!
Diary of a RUNAWAY PRINCE Bold Questing Hero
With Raven'sWing's attempt to dominate the universe wrapped up, Thony can return to his own Quest...
by way of Amanita's weirdly matriarchal homeland...

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