An An All-Too-Obvious Choice

Book Two of the Secrets of Dragon Mountain(A Knightess of the Realm Novel)

Epic Fantasy with a helping of Sugar and a spoonful of Spice
(politics, economics... and snark - but still nice!)

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This book is Book two of The Secrets of Dragon Mountain, a 3-book mini-series within the Knightess of the Realm Saga Find the rest of this mini-series at

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Back Blurb for book: An All-Too-Obvious Choice: Book 2 of the Secrets of Dragon Mountain (A Knightess of the Realm Novel)

Something about this has a funny ring to it...

Karana was lying still and breathing slowly, patiently letting the thicker air that the silver dragon was providing for her work its magick on her body. Kefen could feel the changes as she improved still more.

“You are soul-bonded to her, nephew?” the strange woman said

“To both of them,” he replied absently, not really paying attention

The woman snorted. “And she’s carrying your child? This... may present some complications.”

Kefen tore his attention away from his loves – Karana was doing better and Ivan was watching over her. He had better pay attention to their surroundings for all three of them... and recall that they were there on a mission for King and Country.

Or at least the Lord of Wave.

“Just who are you?” he asked the woman as he looked at her more carefully.

“In this time and this place I am known as Faulira, dragonkeeper for Wyllirse.” She smiled affectionately up at the great creature, the softening of her expression entirely unfeigned.

She focused her dark gaze on Kefen again, and he felt the weight of Wyllirse’s dark topaz eyes on him as well.

“But in an earlier time and place I was known as Laurifa Saralath, Ducal-Princess and Heir to Taridawil.”

Check out the rest of the books in the Saga!

Coming in January 2025 - the next Knightess of the Realm novel!
An All-Too Obvious Choice Book TWO of the Secrets of Dragon Mountain (A Knightess of the Realm Novel)
Where Karana and her Companions have to figure out how to deal with the dragons who have abducted them... and what this will mean to their relationship. The mysterious Muse of Dawil hinted to them that Big Changes are on the way… Stay tuned to find out!

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