A Not-So-Simple Mission

Book One of the Heir's Journey (A Knightess of the Realm Novel)

Epic Fantasy with a helping of Sugar and a spoonful of Spice
(politics, economics... and snark - but still nice!)

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This book is Book ONE of The Heir's Journey, a 3-book mini-series within the Knightess of the Realm Saga Find the rest of this mini-series at

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Back Blurb for book: A Not-So-Sacrificial Maiden, Book One of the Knightess of the Realm

Life just never gets less complicated, does it?

Kefen sat down a bit unsteadily on one of the sofas, and blinked a couple of times.

“That... was more effective as a demonstration than an explanation,” he said faintly. An explanation? Had Ivan been explaining to him how kissing worked? That conversation she’d overheard on the way back from Taridawil’s border had suggested Ivan had known Kefen planned to try to kiss her...

Ivan grinned, looking well-pleased with himself, and stalked over to Karana. “Your turn, beautiful.”

Her arms came up without planning, and ended up trapped between his chest and hers. She fought her instinct to push him away, but some of the mischievous twinkle in Ivan’s eye died and he whispered, “You can say ‘no’...”

She shook her head minutely. She had agreed to it, she would see it through.

“Then try not to look so grim, beautiful. This isn’t going to hurt, you know.” Ivan quirked a half-smile.

Ivan was... much more expert at this than Kefen. That kiss in Taridawil now seemed chaste and tentative by comparison. His lips were soft against hers, but somehow demanding. Strange, fluttery feelings were making their way throughout her body, and she found herself kissing him back, her hands now clutching his tunic. Her legs didn’t seem to want to hold her up, but it didn’t matter because Ivan was not letting her fall...

“I guess you got past the grimness,”
Ivan murmured with that same wry grin as she found herself wishing he would stop talking and go back to kissing her.
“That was... rather more than I hoped for.”

Check out the rest of the books in the Saga!

Coming in January 2025 - the next Knightess of the Realm novel!
An All-Too Obvious Choice Book TWO of the Secrets of Dragon Mountain (A Knightess of the Realm Novel)
Where Karana and her Companions have to figure out how to deal with the dragons who have abducted them... and what this will mean to their relationship. The mysterious Muse of Dawil hinted to them that Big Changes are on the way… Stay tuned to find out!

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