A Lovely Mess

Book Six of the Chronicles of Ilseador

Epic Fantasy with a helping of Sugar and a spoonful of Spice
(politics, economics... and snark - but still nice!)

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Back Blurb for book: The Heart of Ilseador: Book six of the Chronicles of Ilseador

“I failed you. We all failed you... Failed the Realm...”

Their horses hadn't made it more than a handful of strides off of the bridge over the Sapphire when Adam made an unhappy noise and reined in tightly.

“Adam?” Damien inquired with some concern. “What's wrong?”

The tall knight looked almost greenish. “Something I ate must really not have agreed with me.”

Damien reached his Healer's sense out to deal with the problem. Indigestion – or even food poisoning – shouldn't take more than a moment to fix. Though they'd all been eating the same things, and Adam's iron stomach really shouldn't have been the first to react if there were an issue with improper preparation.

To the King's surprise, he could detect Adam's nausea, but no cause for it.

No, more than just nausea...

The tall knight practically slithered out of his saddle, collapsing to his knees practically underneath his horse in the least graceful dismount Damien had ever seen anyone accomplish, let alone his skilled Champion. The King hurriedly hopped off his own tall, roan palfrey to take Adam's abandoned reins and move his Champion's warhorse aside before it accidentally stepped on its rider.

Which should be unlikely, but... Adam collapsing to the ground was also unlikely

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Rising Dragon Books and
Mangala McNamara

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